Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ahh I love memes.


There’s something about  meme’s that are just fundamental in my life,particularly on the internet. Now, im not particularly talking about LoLCat, but more like casual saying that get passed on by a community that you pick up on. This can be passed on in real life, or, more easily online, since the stigma of saying some utterly redonkulous(can you guess where that’s from?) isn’t as bad as it is when you are face to face with someone.

Let me show you some examples and where they came from. The original source of many of these things can’t be tracked down, so if I say, well this came from this particular place, don’t yell at me if you found it somewhere else.

Eve online:  0/   this is a person’s head with an arm up, waving. A greeting of hello or goodbye.

warcraft: Oh god, so many to choose from but ill just post one for now:    Zomg(it’s Oh my god, with a Z added to the end, for particular emphasis on whatever you are !!!! about)

There’s some other odd ones that generally if you are browsing internet forums you will pick up on.

one is a number like 91k, or 21k, that denotes when you joined or post count, or something, i havent figured it out, but it’s a term of how old you are in the forum, and of course the older you are the better.

Anyway, you get the point. I have no idea what it is about these memes, but it’s like pokemon, i want to collect them all. Maybe it’s just so I understand half of the crap that is posted on forums :-P

On that note, post the ones you know of, and where they are used.

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